Thursday, December 28, 2023


Jennifer and I lost our Hennessy Akita girl in 2021. Yet the love continues. I realized that I could never truly know the loss and pain my wife was experiencing. And so this poem came to mind, for us all.  

Who will know, who can go there, to that place?
Beyond common comprehension, above all time and space 
Embraced by simple grace and the purest of pure perception
We may have smiles stolen from our face, feeling only deception 
Who will really know of the love and the loss that was revealed here? 
When it appears that all heartfelt appearances disappear 
Who will be able to pause this world, so that we may know where to go?
Who can it be … when no one will ever know?

No one will know, except for the two who took part in this love
Experiencing precisely what this relationship is made of
Spending time together, walking in the park, snuggling in the dark
Protected by not a bite, but a ferocious and cautionary bark 
A precious pet, a friendly pooch, a loving and guiding partner in life 
After the goodbyes, it becomes only empty days and lonely nights 
What is there left in the end, what can any of us show?
No answer found here; no one will ever know

Perhaps that is the way it is for everyone, walking in their own shoes 
They are the ones who take the brunt of the good and bad news
That news that hits that mark in their own part of the human race 
The news that impacts us in that most personal secret place
The love we have for another soul – no matter the species or kind 
The love that no one ever, ever, ever can truly define 
It is elusive, mysterious, intangible, neither above nor below
It is something no one else can ever know 

Far from common comprehension, traversing all space and time 
Who will know, who can go to a world beyond “yours” and “mine?”
Who will really know of the love and the loss that was experienced here? 
When it appears that all heartfelt appearances disappear 
Perhaps in a realm sublime, where there is no need for separation 
We can transcend depression, pain, hopelessness, desperation 
And find the one heart, joined with another dear pet partner in tow   
And make peace with the love that only we can know 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

He Was One Of Our Own

A man who belonged to Mentor Discover Inspire, Steve Krescanko expressed love for all the men. Years later, his giving spirit lives on. 

For Steve Krescanko (January 14, 1964 - October 2, 2011)

To encompass a life – for a son, a brother, a father and a friend

It would take a song eternal, and words without end 

But we gather here – in the presence of the shadows and the light

Honoring a man’s soul and celebrating a man’s life

What can be said? What can be known?

Perhaps it’s just simply … he was one of our own

A brother … and a son

That little mischievous, silly one

With the angst of boyhood, with its ups and its downs 

One million smiles … and one million frowns

But steady was his care, from a seed that had grown

For Steve’s family – he was one of their own

A friend to many – a buddy, a pal, a mate

A mentor for agents in his real estate

A solid and steady support, forever giving of his time 

“San Diego Blood Bank,” “Feeding America,” fundraising in kind

This was a man to be reckoned with, a man to be known

For Steve’s friends – he was one of their own

As a teammate, as a man in our circle of success

He was game for every mountain, ready for every test

He stepped up quite often – leader, impact player and point man

Doing whatever he could – to make a mark, to take a stand

His comeback into honor and power was to be made at all cost

His fight was our fight … his loss was our loss

Sometimes raw, biting and bitter, sometimes rock on bone

On a restless and turbulent sea, often tossed and thrown

From him a deep, and lasting, guttural groan

A spirit having loved, a spirit having flown

Building a heart out of ashes, and a soul out of stone

For those of our Men’s Division – Krescanko was one of our own

And finally … for his children, the most dear to his heart

There is no measure of this devotion – no end and no start

Putting them up high on his shoulders, and carrying them way up above

Nothing, nothing, nothing can ever take away this love

His “comeback” was for the kids, he fought to earn his right

To be in the company of these two – having fought the good fight 

May they always feel his presence wherever they may roam

For little Lauren and Andrew – he was one of their own

Thank you daddy, thank you brother, and thank you dear friend

This song eternal is for you, a love without end

We wish you well on your journey, on your way back home

Knowing forever in our hearts – you shall never be alone

Knowing forever in this world – the light that forever will be shone

Steve Krescanko – you are one with us – you are one of our own

Monday, August 21, 2023


I started a 31-day writing challenge, writing every day for each day of March 2023. I used the hashtag #justwrite31. Since I only had 10 minutes before the end of the day before writing this prose, maybe I can call it #justwrite10minutes. 

If I only had 10 minutes to spend with you 
What would I say; what would I do?
Would I spit out a ton of rapid thoughts and emotion
Or would I move towards you in effortless slow-motion  
And look deeply in your eyes, rekindling a love  
Would I reveal what our relationship was made of 
Or maybe clear up any misunderstandings or spite 
Those barriers that block the miracle that is life

What would I say or do Mom? 
We pretty much always got along 
I'd want to know more about you, your inner world
The you that was you when you were a little girl

What would I say or do Dad?
Engaging and enlivening were the times we had
I may find out what you know now of 911 and JFK
But most of all, I'd want to know if you are OK

What would I say or do Miss Hennessy dear? 
You were the cherry on top, that is clear
I would simply want to grab a chew toy and play 
And do with you what I miss now every day

For all the times I've said goodbye 
I want to awaken to the connections that will never die 
So now, I endeavor to fill my heart with loved ones in gratitude
As if I only had 10 minutes to spend with you ...


Friday, July 21, 2023

Bob Roth’s Special Byyyeeeeeeee

Bob Roth and the unique way he says “bye” - it really is something to hear. 

Now, how could a simple “bye” as in “goodbye” be so special? Doesn’t everyone utter this phrase every now and then? Yes, but this one is different, and the way he carries himself around this self-expression is something to behold. For good reason.

First off, some background. Bob Roth is a near-50-year teacher of Transcendental Meditation or TM. Ever since the society shutdown of 2020, he has been broadcasting a 20-minute Zoom meditation practice – for those of us who need a bit more support in our day-to-day meditation.

For over a year, for some reason (even unknown to him), Bob has been closing his sessions with an elongated and dramatic phrasing of “Byyyeeeeeeee.”

Today I heard an extra “bye” with a space in-between. Recently he created a space between the closing of the session and his utterance of the final word. 

And why is that? 

Turns out he was getting some negative feedback around this fun way of expressing his farewell. 

And it’s in his approach to the negative feedback that has inspired this post. I am so impressed. 

Normally when I get some negative feedback – especially around some of my expression – I first get defensive and then offensive, wanting to find a way of delivering a mighty and destructive comeback.  Maybe I need more meditation in my life!

For Bob, who has been calming his mind and maneuvering into those transcendental states for decades, his response was a bit less combative. And so much more mature, centered, and wise. 

Did he attack those detractors? Did he stifle his expression? Did he go quiet? No, none of those reactions would reflect the sort of mind transcending a common warpath. No – the chronology of Bob’s experience unfolded this way:

  1. He received feedback.
  2. He didn’t take it personal.
  3. He didn’t get flustered around it or emotional.
  4. He DID NOT CHANGE WHO HE IS or how he has been inspired to move about the world, in spite of a few folks who weren’t fans of a certain behavior.
  5. He created a workaround so that others out there could also have their needs met.  
  6. He continued to have his fun. 

His workaround was to simply let everyone know he would take a pause between the end of his audio sessions and when he completed with his signature “bye.” 

For those who wanted to disconnect before he said his goodbyes, they could do so. That way they wouldn't hear what they didn’t want to hear, and he could continue his free expression, spoken freely. 


What an inspiration. What a state of equanimity. What a perfect endorsement for this sort of freeing meditation. And what a guy. 

Leaving only one last thing to say before I take my leave…


The Thoughts That Do Not Matter

Sometimes I get scared. And then I wonder why.

Thoughts come and go, no more than a side-show

I mean really – anyway – what do they know?


To the wind, may some get splintered and scatter 

Such are the thoughts that do not matter


The fears that do not ultimately matter 

Reveal as anger from characters such as the Mad Hatter


All that’s left is a hammer and the sound of shatter 

So goes the fears that ultimately do not matter 


That which matters originates deeper from within 

This is the starting point, the haven from which we begin


Served in a feast upon the most sacred of platter 

Now we really knows what truly matters




A Puppy's Life

Some time doing some "puppy yoga" can really give you some perspective. 

Today I had the privilege of being in the presence of entities displaying an enlightened, superconscious higher mind. A rare treat, this experience was such a gift to my soul. I must have done something right in this lifetime (and perhaps previous lifetimes) to be invited in as witness of the divine. 

I have been present for the "darshan" of specific living avatars - Sai Baba in Southern India in 1990 and 1996, Mata Amritanandamayi in her California visits many a June, Shivabali Yogi in a special gathering in Laguna Beach in 1991.  

However today was a bit different, as it held the sort of freedom found in mind, heart and soul - a state of consciousness uncommon to so many sentient beings.  

This was the "Puppy Yoga" event at the Pacific Beach studio called Spirit Yoga. 

Yes, there they were, like a dream of effortless flow. 

Unattached, emotionally liberated, mentally all over the freaking place without a care, embracing a free spirt, a high level of equanimity and a joy unsurpassed. 

This is a goal of many a soul. And yet apparently, this is a common happenstance for all these scurrying, hurrying, flurrying beings of absolute bliss, living completely in the moment. 

I believe in my Transcendental Meditation practice, I am to ultimately reach a transcendental state, an elevated level above all worries, concerns, anxiety and judgements. 

Whereas I spend 20 minutes, two times a day in my TM practice - whereas I have spent three decades in the emotional healing field - whereas I have led numerous empowerment meetings within my men's circles, whereas I have taken countless courses in Compassionate Communication, energy work, intuitive sciences - whereas I have brought forth the higher mind in so much of my sacred writings ........ what the hell?  

These puppies seem to have reached such an advanced state simply by ... being BORN A PUPPY!

As they flew around the room, playing when glee was the need, reaching out spontaneously for a playmate, peeing when nature called, it was indeed an inspiration. These gentle and sometimes not-so-gentle guides offered me the insight:

* Don't take yourself so seriously.
* Make mistakes; it's gonna be OK.
* Chaos can be cool. 
* If you mess up, either clean it up, or someone else will; no biggy. 
* Have fun. 
* Interact - there will always be someone around to play with.
* Find others who also have fun and don't take themselves too seriously. 
* A nap can also happen.
* It's OK to ask for help - yip if something goes wrong. 
* Grab the moment; live in the moment; run in wild abandon, seize the day and seize the play.  
* Freaking GO FOR IT! 

OK - got it. 

While the highest humans may be able to reach is to "sign the waiver," I will take this puppy play, this doggy "darshan," as the gift it was meant to be. 

Watch out world. I'm inspired, uplifted, mentally and emotionally stretching and ready to live a life liberated, free ... unleashed.  

Friday, June 9, 2023

I’ve Admired You from a Distance

One of those experiences where I said a phrase "I've admired you Mary Beth from a distance" and I do a double take. Hey that sounds like a poem! Yup, this one from the vantage point of a spirit guide, higher self or angel. 

So far, so far away
I look upon you, with grace, every day
A higher self, a higher mind, a higher being
You may not know the truth that I am seeing 
Without the judgment of a divisive right or wrong
The place you stand is where you belong
Though at times lost, you wander alone in the dark
Before, eventually, you get the horse before the cart
Alas the gift: your very presence, your very existence
Just so you know – I’ve admired you from a distance
The list of struggles and stressors are real 
Those who search for the sustenance of a simple meal
Those who have no shelter, no room, no home, no bed
Those who battle inner demons in their own head
You who falter on promises to stop the latest addiction 
You who get bad news of the latest medical affliction 
You who fall prey to the latest government sponsored racket 
You who work hard for money lost in your tax bracket 
In the end, you need not struggle with any offense or defense
For little did you know – I’ve admired you from a distance
Those who cheat another for no other reason but because they can
Those who meet their mirror – the karma they come to understand 
Those who believe they have fallen, blindly, too far 
Alas, those who have forgotten who they are
Every hair on your head, everything will be held to account
While every barrier, challenge and mountain you shall surmount
With each resistance met with a soul’s endless persistence 
No, not so far, not so far away – your very existence  
Dissolution discarded, unity embraced, within this very instance 
I will admire you eternally – knowing there is no distance 

Friday, May 19, 2023


Who knew that buying a fun Date Night deck of cards could bring such uplift?

What do you know?

Turns out it really isn't that difficult. 

I guess it never was. 

You hear a lot of times where couples find challenge in maintaining the new energy in their relationships, falling into a pattern without intrigue or innovation. 

Well, that's silly. 

There can be something NEW every day! Case in point ... have you ever thought of making candles together? Bet not! 

But I do get it. Everyday life can come along and set solid the routine. Such a routine routine can steal away the idea of new adventures. 

That's why I believe couples need to keep an open and flexible mind. The idea of no new horizons must come from an old and lazy way of thinking. 

My wife and I do well in considering new trails to blaze, especially since we get in a 30-minute walk daily. 

For Valentine's Day, I bought my wife a book "Fun & Adventurous Date Night Box - Scratch Off Card Game with Exciting Date Ideas." Within it, there are 35 cards representing a creative date idea a couple can use each week.

They even make it somewhat suspenseful by having the ideas on the cards accessible after scratching off the gray covering, like a lottery scratch-off ticket. 

So far, we've had three creative "Dates" - a scavenger hunt around the house, a Dollar Tree 5-gift extravaganza, and for tonight: making our own candles. A brilliant idea, these date suggestions help to channel the intrigue and adventure that is already alive within the relationship. 

I think couples just need a structure and a nudge. The love is already there, the fun is already there, the connection is already there. 

Nothing is lost really except for possibly a bit of focus.

And with that refocusing can come a ton of fun, some adventures never dreamed of, and the return of a light that has never gone out. 

Come on folks. It's not that difficult. Turns out it never really was. 



Sunday, April 23, 2023

The Gift of Yes


Today I saw a photo within one of those Facebook memories.

Not just any photo.

It was one of those photos that stands out, has one take pause, and then offer a message, magically captured within the camera’s lens and upon the picture frame.

1000 words? Neigh, this would offer, somehow, so many more … at this moment in time, for this mind of mine, anyway. 


Here was a daughter and a mother.


On a train.


The young one resting her head upon the shoulder of the mother. 


Beyond the veil of a simple train ride – a long, tiring one at that – I perceived a storyline, the length measured within lifetimes.   


For some reason, I imagined that once upon a time these two souls – presently named “Dawn” and “Samantha” – gave each other the gift of a "yes." At some point, in between what we understand as a life on earth, the two spirits looked upon another and decided they would follow through on playing the role of mother and daughter.  


As if, the words would have been: “Shall we be born into form once more? Shall we be family? Shall you be mine, and I be yours?” 


As if, the answer would have been “yes.” 


Is such a conversation real? Is there a reality of “another side” and the return here again and again? 


Who knows?


Who knows what takes place beyond this mere measly lower plane of awareness. 


What I do know, though, is that on some level we all answer the question of whether to relate with another person with a “yes” … or “no.” It can take place in the most simple way – a first date, a neighborhood game of basketball, a support group meetup, a lifetime of marriage. 


It reminds me of the Joni Mitchell song “Secret Place.”  It goes like this:


Out of all of the girls that you see
In bleachers and cafe windows
Sitting flirting with someone
Looking to have some fun
Why did you pick me?
For the secret place


Think of all the relations that have taken place – for a season, for a lifetime, for a reason – wherein on some very real level, both of you decided to join here in experience. 


On whatever level the choice was made, for better or worse, for the sake of lessons and growth, for the grand life experience that relationships can bring … once upon a time we made an agreement.  


This is the story that this photo told me today. It’s a sweet one … full of mystery, purpose and beauty. 


We are indeed blessed. 


Whenever we recognize the gift that is “yes.” 

What Comes After Meditation?

For this writing, I did an experiment to see what came through after my morning meditation. Hmm, only took about 25 minutes. Nice!

What comes after meditation?
After some sacred time in contemplation
After the bliss of silent whisper, a surreal song
The gentle reminders of an eternal calm
What arrives after that serene stillness sublime?
Perhaps a few words placed in meter and rhyme
But the one major theme that can not be denied
Is that there is an outer world, as there is one inside
There is a world not always made of sugar and spice 
Upon arising from meditation, there is always this life

Life in all of its many myriads of form
Some I wish to discard; some I wish to adorn
There are parts of life that are, yup, a complete drag
And then the treasures of experiences I’m so glad I’ve had 
There are ups and downs and smiles and frowns
With a circus of every sort of face on the clowns 
Yes, this can be a circus with its wacky wacked-out whacks
And stacks of stupidity with attacks from the back 
Yet there is also a nature supreme beyond this mere dream
Bringing a beauty, a light, a love - beyond that which is seen  

So what do we with all this after sitting so still?
Surrender to the circus or to God’s divine will 
Maybe we embrace whatever comes our way
And leave it to the archangels to clear clouds away
Perhaps we bring that inner stillness to all that we have here
Or just carry it closer, as the darkness comes near  
Life will bring us everything, in a million different forms 
With our inner light, we can weather any turbulent storms
And so what comes after meditation to this poet’s mind?
I imagine some inspiration born of meter and rhyme

Walking The Daily Walk With You

For my wife, our 10 year anniversary at hand, as I reflect on the walks we take every day.

Step after step, some slow, some swift, left and then right 

Down Berry Street, east on Mt. Vernon, then south on McKnight

Looking for relief from the world of mankind, looking for love 

We take our daily walk with nothing but the sky and clouds above 

Passing trees and lawns, passing neighbors who oftentimes wave 

Trying to process the junk and gunk of the working day 

Beyond the retirement home stillness, beyond friendly Ricardo’s

This is the path of least resistance; this is simply the way it goes 

Sometimes in life, there really is nothing more to say or do 

Walking the daily walk with you


Recalling different memories, my father’s “It’s great to be alive” 

Down Berry Street, left on Mt. Vernon, then right on Gold Lake Drive

We walk against the wind heading west, but we do our best 

An abandoned house, a barking dog or two, a grounded bird’s nest

Planning future adventures – some bring agitation, some bring smiles 

Another installment for our friendly visit for “The Nala Files” 

Past the council member’s manor, alongside school grounds and gravel 

With mixed emotions … recalling the one missing on our travels

Sometimes in life, there really is nothing more to say or do 

Walking the daily walk with you


Now over the years, there is a sacred stroll that we can recall

Embracing experiences from the first day, embracing it all 

Our 10-year anniversary, April 7 it will be, so much we have seen

With so many walks and talks, and so many miles in between

For better or worse, we find the laugh in the gap, we enjoy the ride

For beyond the bless or curse, the Divine joins us there in stride 

The path of least resistance; never to turn away or snub 

It was there, Point Loma, Santa Barbara Street, the Thursday Club

When you walked the aisle, in front of family and God, the ocean view

Sometimes in a lifetime, there truly is nothing more to say or do 

Walking the daily walk with you

Thursday, March 23, 2023

The Agitating Muse

During my 31-day commitment of writing and posting a daily piece, this came through ... most likely from the incessant voice of a muse that just won't quit. Thank goodness. 

Oh my goodness – your voice, your encouragement, it beckons
And geez, sitting my butt in my chair is a good idea, I reckon
But there are 1001 distractions that keep knocking at me
Organize the pencil drawer, eat a cupcake, climb a tree
Answer another email, gotta empty that inbox you know
Woops - here comes some more email, only 5 more now to go
Clean off the desk completely, maybe use microfiber on the screen
Must make sure before I start writing that everything is clean
Clean and clear, everything in its place, nothing to erase
So that when I am ready, I can convene sweetly face to face
With the guiding presence that delivers a gift that I cannot lose
Life is grand with the nagging inspiration of the agitating muse 

The agitating muse – OK, OK, I can hear you screaming my name
Whenever it is time to channel your words, it’s always the same 
I get annoyed with every tasky task that is put upon my plate 
I wince in pain, fidget in my chair, find creative ways to hesitate 
I feel like my body is moving in one direction and it’s all wrong
I want to be faithful to the lilting voice echoing a sublime song 
But I got all this shit to do, not even sure what it’s all for 
My left brain and right brain are in an all-out war 
When it gets this crazy, I feel this aggravation and agitation
I long for the action that comes from pure motivation 
I gotta find a way out of this conflict or I will blow a fuse
If only all I had to heed was the nagging inspiration of the agitating muse 

Perhaps there is a way, a path, an opening, a road of real recovery 
Leading to a clearing in a field we share, a place of deep discovery 
Where chaos can reign and rule over the outside world of the blind 
Noticed, acknowledged, accepted, but not followed by a wandering mind  
Here - sitting calm, with a centered and still body is best, I reckon
Oh my goodness – your voice, your encouragement, it beckons
And yes it is actually beautiful, not agitating at all, when I listen clearly 
It only wants to hold high a vision; it only wants to hold me dearly
And whisper its wonder through inspirational pictures and lyrical tone 
Reminding me that at the deepest core, I am never alone 
Let the emails pile up, let the desktop get cluttered, there is only one thing to do 
I am here, with my partner in prose – the astonishing, generous, faithful muse 


(A poem inspired by a homeless woman I will most likely never see again.)


I walked our regular daily walk today

Seeing the routine views along the way 

Trees and streets, and then skies up there 

I observe the sights - I breathe the air 

Then quickly something catches my attention 

Shaking my head, I grasp for comprehension

A troubled one - limping, dirty, disheveled - an alone and lost lady

Once upon a time, that was somebody's baby


That was the phrase that flashed across my mind

Too late, to now turn my head away, blind 

Where is she going, where did she come from

Too easy to throw her aside like some runaway bum

No, this one, like all of us, has a history and a life 

She has had very similar battles, struggles and fights

Perhaps cradled, as an infant, in warm arms - maybe?

The truth is, that was indeed somebody's baby 


Who does this soul belong to, an angel she must have 

Someone who watches over her, even with the past she’s had

Whatever happened, there was at least a father and a mother 

For how long this lasted, we will probably never discover 

But she is a human – once and therefor forever one of us

Embracing her in some way, a true and faithful community must 

Someday to reside in a sacred place – calm, serene, shady 

For this is somebody's baby … this is somebody's baby 



Today, for a daily dose of writing prose, I keep it simple.

I marvel at the vision before me.

A youngster - a mere 2 and 2/3 year old. 

I write this one with a heart weary of the bad news of the day.

That can be kept at bay.

For today, here is a grand opportunity to see beyond the dark edges brought to us by a world which has forgotten its source. 

Here is my chance. 

A simple glance - upon this illumined face, the deep round eyes, holding not one hint of disguise. The pure expression, filled with the unbridled joy of brand new exploration.

Here is Abigail. 

Holding her Abby Doll. Apparently inseparable, at least in images in recent memory.

Here is Abigail, My niece’s child. Sister of Allison - also new to this new world. 

May her light, may their light, guide the way. Not just for themselves, but for anyone who has the opportunity to join in this experience, a chance at a glance - in a series of photos I wish to share. 

A beauty beyond compare.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

A Dream of Tug of War


One of my nighttime dreams that stands as an inspiration for levels of consideration and care.  

Yes, last night I dreamed of a tug of war

Between our dearly departed dog and me

Seemed so real, nothing less, nothing more

Just a visit from our dear Hennessy

I questioned what she wanted with this boy

I didn’t know what she would bring

At last, she brought to me a toy

It was a fluffy, chewy, funny type thing

We lost our girl in 2021, you see

It was so deeply painful to the core

And now I’m left with just a dream

A dream of tug of war

She was the one who started the game

She pulled, and then shook from side to side

Of course, I played along just the same

No other option really but to oblige

She was always the one to offer up the prop

It was just her way to have me included

She had to have both her mom and pop

She was never one to have any fun excluded

She’d invite me on walks no matter the weather 

She’d stand there planted, and stare at me

The whole pack had to be walking together

That was the way of Hennessy 

So the tug of war, was it really a fight

Or just a way to have some fun?

Was someone supposed to feel a slight

Or had play time just begun?

Surely, this was now a time to connect 

To find that game we could play together 

Full of mutual joy and mutual respect 

How I wish it could last forever 

But one dream ends and another begins 

What is one to do when a goodbye is in the cards

Who cares who loses and who wins

Isn’t life and all its losses already too hard 

For life is never what it really seems

Let us play the games and not be sore 

Even though sadly, I’m left with just a dream

A dream of tug of war

The Valentine of Mine

Written on Valentine's Day 2023 for my wife Jennifer.

The Valentine of mine 
In the world that is sublime

Full of rhythm, meter, and rhyme

Singing bowls echo as to remind 

I cordially bow at this time 

To you, the Valentine of mine 


The Valentine so true

Even when we don’t know what to do 

Searching for ways to forever start anew

Searching for unlimited vistas and views

Searching for highest versions of me and you

Yes you, the Valentine so true


The Valentine on high

Whose spirit will explore ways to fly

Having experienced so many reasons to cry

Hearing the sweet whispers of spirit’s reply 

The ultimate truth of unity will never lie 

Her, the Valentine on high

The Valentine of light

Erasing all versions of wrong and right  

Returning pure perception to our sight

Through any tumultuous times, we hold on tight   

I endeavor to face any foes in gallant fight 

For you, the Valentine of light


The Valentine so kind

Rekindling a heart, soul and mind 

Polishing my rough edges to shine 

A gift given from the invisible, eternal divine 

A gift for both of us to find 

A gift of you, the Valentine of mine 

The Valentine of mine