Monday, July 4, 2022

We The Founders

I had heard enough of the BS on social media about the Founding Fathers. Here are men who placed everything on the table, willing to lose it all, for the sake of the highest of principles that would serve a world to come ... for everyone. And meanwhile the brainwashers try to slam home a vision of a bunch of self-serving, selfish white men. OK, alright, enough.

We don’t yet know the freedom the Founding Fathers really meant

We haven’t really experienced the liberties the Creator truly sent 

Since 1900, we’ve been born into this fishbowl, already dirty with foul play 

The goal of the global elites – degradation, disintegration, destruction, decay  

Now sadly, we have to suffer through nincompoops broadcasting a broken prose

Not even realizing they speak from their ass, after being led by the nose

They’ve been programmed by ultra ruiners who want to destroy America and her spirit

We were founded by rich white dudes who only wanted money – all that bullshit

No, the pledge saw all humans equal, living with unalienable rights, backed by bravery 

This got turned into white supremacists who only wanted to continue slavery 

So where do we begin to remind a tired nation what was laid down before?

How do we reclaim a history that once shined from shore to shore?


Imperfect but wanting a more perfect union, the Founders took a sacred stand

Placing the Creator above kings, the people above government, Divinity above man

A great experiment, first of its kind, imagine how freedom could pave a path of destiny   

Citizens would experience a nation clear of government overreach and tyranny 

No more King George, and his stupid unilateral, ego-driven, wishes and whims

This was so a sovereign people could play in the marketplace, creating their own wins

Everything was set to prevent controlling monarchs from decrying overriding dictates 

No centralized station, but due process, an electoral college, armed citizens, open candidates 

The inspired Fathers knew too well of the human hubris, and the rottenness at root

They knew with a new solid foundation, the glory of the populace would surely follow suit

Those aligning in principle, including other-worldly immigrants, would establish a country strong and bold

The song of freedom would ultimately uproot the world-wide seed of slavery, no man bought and sold

For this vision, the patriots sacrificed it all - their fortunes, their sacred honor, their lives

Of 56 signers, 12 houses burned, 17 lost everything, many tormented families and wives 

Treason’s potential punishment – four horses, one tied to each limb, with a call to do what they must do

Risking your homes, all your bank accounts, your life and limb … they did this … would you?


Betting not, most numbskulls would rather sit on their tails and rip on the Fathers’ lives 

Regurgitating our enemies’ indoctrination, propaganda and lies

You shall hate your history – it’s all part of the insidious, inciting attack

Certain media, politicians, and globalists hope you will never truly look back 

Our history luckily had only one King George, sadly we now have plenty  

They hide like cowards, yet always making themselves bigger than country 

These demons are the ones the Founders wanted to limit and keep down 

Though sadly we see they are the ones parroted and echoed by all these clueless clowns

From the establishment of unaccountable rogue monsters – the IRS, CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA

Milestones of mayhem chip away at our foundation – from false flags to 911 to JKF


For those who forgot "we the people" and those who may have skipped their civics class

For those who own this country, “we the founders,” those who would take the country back

For those who rest on the Divine Providence, rationale, logic, principle, and facts

We call upon the arising, and a grand and glorious comeback

There will be the sheep who research not but buy into the latest emotionally charged hype

The disgruntled complainers can go establish another country, using Seattle's CHAZ as a prototype

The uneducated will scoff and laugh, no clue the gifts they have inherited to defend

They will not see 1776’s magnificent monumental historic shift, in the end 

Perhaps the promise of liberty hasn’t been destroyed, though a century of corruption can certainly creep 

Benjamin Franklin once informed us we had a Republic … but only if we did what we must to keep

After all is said, this will not be a battle of liberal vs conservative or left vs right, as they’d have you believe 

It will be an opportunity to practice discernment – light vs dark, freedom vs tyranny

So choose well my friends, do your due diligence to see what is really going on

And regarding the Founding Fathers, if you can’t offer gratitude, then simply move along

They did their part, they took their pledge, they sacrificed for your success 

All so you could perhaps live in a world of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

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