Monday, October 31, 2022

Delicious Enlightenment


You never know where magic is going to come from in this wonderful world. Sometimes it could even come at a trip to the store for a treat. 

Come one, come all, and hear the story about a boy and his ice cream. 


This is not just any sort of ice cream. This is the Jolly Llama brand of diary-free, gluten-free, coconut cream, caramel chocolate chip cones. You know the type with the chocolate chunk at the bottom of the pyramid cone? 


This delightful delight was first encountered by this boy – OK, it was me – about two years ago when my wife introduced it to me. I was transfixed by the flavor and higher purpose. 


And OK, maybe I’m not a boy, but the giddiness and joy I feel when I treat myself to such a treat, is timeless and boundless. How delicious could enlightenment get?


You think I exaggerate? 


Just ask my wife when these are OUT of stock at the local store, and when we discover that they are indeed IN stock. It can go from extreme disappointment to utter glee. And let me tell you, it’s not routinely the case that the glee comes. These days, the stores are rarely stocking these llamas. Oh sure, the vanilla ones or the pink or light brown or orange ones may be in the freezer section, but rarely do we get the taste of enlightenment, chocolate flavored. 


We happen to know the manager of a small deli in Mission Valley who would put in special orders for us, and it was normally hit and miss. “They are out of stock for two weeks. Come back next Saturday.” 


Because of my intense desire for enlightenment, my mind stays focused on the goal. It’s almost like a meditation; my mind gets so laser-beam. The result is we have found one store in the La Mesa area (NO, I will not tell you which one) that regularly carries this ice cream. We have gone a bit out of our way on occasion to travel to this store. 


It was on the last visit where the true magic happened. And I believe there is a great lesson in it for me … and for others if they are interested.


While my wife started in on other shopping, I approached the store entrance and bolted back to the freezer section where I knew they held the ice cream. I was filming the occasion to share with a friend interested in eating healthier desserts. I was in a great mood for various reasons, one to do with the treat but also because of other good stuff going on in my life. As I rushed up to the section of the freezer, I built up the suspense for my friend saying, “Here it comes….”  Just as I came to the row where the Jolly Llamas reside, I saw clearly: they are out of stock! An empty shelf! 


I kept the video rolling, and just finished it off with “dammit!” 



Dismayed but not destroyed, I kept my good mood intact. Sometimes in the past when I got upset about “missing out,” I went to a low place with thoughts such as:

  • “Oh no, I’m too late.”
  • “I knew it!” 
  • “I waited too long and now I’ve made a big mistake.”
  • “What a bummer!” 

Well, it may be because I was in such a good mood (and that it was merely a dessert) that the past distressing thoughts didn’t arrive too powerfully in my mind. I stayed upbeat and continued on my way to find Jennifer in the store. As I let her in on the bad news, just then, a young lady worker Ashlin turned the corner. For some reason, in a happy place, I chose to interact and have some lighthearted banter with her. In an overly dramatic fashion, I let her in on the lack of Jolly Llamas in the freezer. To which, she replied, “Let me see what I can do.”

What? Could it be? Could there be a second chance at delicious enlightenment? 


It only took her a couple minutes to return from another part of the store and reveal a box of dozens of chocolate Jolly Llamas. 


Wow. My first response was of gratitude and happiness. (That’s on video too.) 


Next I considered this very real reality: If I would have spiraled into some negative subconscious spin from the past about being “too late,” I would not have been open to seeing this young lady approach with another opportunity. If I would have been defeated, I would not have had the wherewithal to see the victory staring at me in the face. 


Perhaps that’s how it happens many times in our benevolent universe. 


The issue arises along with a solution. And it’s up to us to stay in the right mind to be able to notice it, and then act on it. 


These ice creams proved to be enlightening indeed. 




Sunday, October 23, 2022

I Said Chloe’s Name

A dear friend has a lovely pooch named Chloe who has had some health challenges. Once I saw a Facebook post in which someone said a prayer for her, I was inspired by the phrase she used at a sacred space: "I said Chloe's name." Such a poetic line; such a poetic world. 

It’s who we are, it’s how we live 

I heard the news, I wanted to give

The social media post said your dear dog was ill

A prayer for all that is peaceful and still

As we join forces with the illumination of God’s will

Into your cup, from divine abundance, we will fill

I went to the altar today, before the candle flame 

Into the space, I said Chloe’s name


I said her name so that all could wish the best

For her health, for her vibrancy, for her rest

I said Chloe’s name, and it gave life to the word 

The blessings of bounty, we can be assured

By a mere utterance, she was placed into the mind of God

That little rascal with dark curls, that wonderful dog

Healing any conditions, the aches, the owies and the pains

Glady, and with exuberance, I said Chloe’s name


And so here we stand, as concerns shift to care

Of the path of heart and healing, we are aware

Perfect health in all its forms - spirt, body and mind

For those who remember the power of simply being kind

And giving to those in need when it’s time to say a prayer

Standing strong in faith, as concerns shift to care

Surely yet humbly … happy that up to this alter I came 

So that I could speak into the space … I said Chloe’s name

I said Chloe’s name


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Hennessy – Come To Me

We lost our dear Hennessy in June 2021. Yet the desire for connection lives on. 

We keep the toys that carry so many joys

With some, somehow, still making noise

Memories last beyond the distant past 

Recalling how all of our characters were cast

Us in the front seat, you in the backseat

Surely, making every one of us complete

Words we’d repeat when we would meet

Touch, sit, catch, and keeek – keeek - keeek 

Feeling free, bending down to a knee

Calling out your name, “Hennessy – come to me”


Left behind, a puzzle piece never to find

Forever missed, forever in our mind

Wanting to rewind, time and space are not kind

Reaching out for a mystic reading or a sure sign

The loving presence is here, that we do not fear

It’s just that the physical touch is not near

The journey of the daily walk, the two-way talk

Living without that is a devastating shock

They tell us to trust, I imagine that we must

Yet still calling out, “Hennessy – come to us”


So we go our way, living onward day to day

Recalling beautiful memories on this – your birthday 

How you’d never stay but like to tug-of-war play 

Proceed to open gifts not sent to you, anyway

How you would frustrate when we would meditate

Through the door you would no longer hesitate

Perhaps beyond this plane, you will remain

Where we all three will remember our names

In dream-states and love-scapes free, we’ll know where to be

Where maybe, just maybe, you call out … “Come to me”