Monday, March 28, 2022

Hello Friend

Ah, relationships in their many forms… how shall we greet them today…

A cat meanders through the door during a yoga class 

A dog approaches you on the couch, paws upon a lap

On a stroll outside, a hummingbird speeds by through the air

A trip to the zoo, every imaginable creature living there

Sharing a globe with the animals, in the wild and in the pens 

The depth and beauty of a boy’s and girl’s best friend

Hello friend, hello friend

How are you today, how have you been?

Oh, the grandeur of relationships … how shall we greet them today?

What words come to mind, what is there to say?

For the barista working hard to prepare that right drink for you

For the waiter and waitress placing orders for your chosen food

For the loved one in partnership, making this circle of love complete

For the man, woman and child simply passing by on the street 

As in the beginning, and then all throughout life, until the end

As we hold this sacred heart – in order to offer, share, heal or mend

Hello friend, hello friend

How are you today, how have you been?

How are you? What is new? What can we do?

With this life – to make it matter, to make it real, to make it true?

We welcome the morning, with a bow, a prayer, a knowing nod

We embrace the universe, the angels, the spirit guides, and God

As in the myriad of classic books we store upon the shelves

We see within others as we see within ourselves 

Husband, father, son, mother, daughter, wife

If you lived strictly on your terms, you may have missed out on life

Yet if you found the free, dancing energy encircling, you were indeed blessed

In-between the give and take: a mind at peace, a soul at rest 

There is nothing that can make this existence any clearer or dearer

Than learning to appreciate, love and honor the one looking back in the mirror

And so, what words come to mind, what is there to say?

Ah, the wonder of relationships … how shall we greet them today?

The pets, the patrons, the clients, coworkers, bosses and more

The random humans we bump into at the soccer field, bank or store

The ones who have held us up as perfect, the ones who made us all wrong

The inner self that has beaten us up for so long

The ones who challenged us, the ones who made everything a flow

A dear friend dog or a cat … peeking around a corner … hello 

We faithfully take a stand for a totality of life we can finally defend

As we reframe everyone as companion, searcher, Child of God and friend

How are you today, how have you been?

Hello friend, hello friend

Hello friend, hello friend

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