My father-in-law told me his pooch was hurting a bit.
We all have a Daisy.
We all love someone so much.
We all hold so deeply to the connection of a dear one.
This is a prayer for Daisy.
A prayer for her well-being, her health, her healing.
Yesterday, the word came from my father in law. His dear Daisy has been hurting with a troubled esophagus. And so we pray. And we hold out for the best.
For we all have a Daisy.
A dear, soft, sweet spot in our heart where there is room for another.
It's as if how our loved one feels, we feel ... how our loved one is doing, we are doing.
It's not a co-dependency; it's a connection, an extension of our selves with another self. It is our expanding to include the health of our dear one, be it a spouse, a child, a sibling, a parent ... a family pet.
Little Daisy - a faithful Boston Terrier - was located as a rescue by Roger a couple years ago.
Since then, they have been inseparable. A boy and his dog, no matter the age of either. If ever my wife and I receive a holiday card from my father in law, it's always signed "Dad and Daisy."
And so we pray.
For Daisy. For her full recovery.
Knowing that there is one power in this universe. Not two powers, but rather one.
And this power is infinite in knowledge, peace, joy, abundance and health.
In that perfect state of health, we are all connected.
We know and accept that anything unlike this perfect state is released at this very moment.
And we are well.
Daisy's body is in pure alignment with oxygen flow and blood flow, enriching her entire body.
The unlimited source of energy is alive and well within her.
As it is alive and well within all those who have their own Daisy ... in their own life.
For this vision, we do give thanks, in gratitude.
As it is being made manifest right here, right now.
We let it go and let it be.
And so it is.
And so it is, for my father-in-law and his pooch.
In a beautiful vision, no matter what the surface appearance displays.
In a time of need ... and connection.
In this prayer for Daisy.
James Anthony Ellis can be found at