Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Diving Into Faith

I want to dive into faith.
Into the cool, blue water that embraces me like a womb.
Peaceful, restful.
Originating all from faith.
That link to something higher – pure. Like cool, blue water. 
Beyond the fear.
Beyond the stress.
Beyond the doubt.
That dreaded doubt that would laugh at my failures, even the most minute of mishaps, exclaiming, “This is the real you. This is how it will continue. This has just begun.”
Those terror remarks that rattle my sense of self, and implode my inner core, like strategically placed detonations in old, creaky building.
Blueprints with plans to ruin me at every turn.
If not for…
If not for…
The knowing that these shadows are temporary, only existing because some fiend has blocked the Sun … for a moment.
Faith – the keen and clear awareness that the Sun does assuredly exist behind all shadows.
The Sun – the source.
The source of heat, warmth and life.
Creating a glimmering reflection off the cool, blue water.
No matter the frightful remarks from a mind bent on destruction.
In faith - in life.
In life.
That which exists in every breath into lungs.
Filling and emptying, filling and emptying.
When observed, taking us infinitely deeper into the truth that will free us.
To love.
To faith.
To faith.

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